Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Unity Progress

This is what the prison level looks like so far, obviously more work is to be done, but the basic geometry is there, and needs a few alterations for game-play benefit. The aim of the level is to create a dark and moody intense experience for the player, where the confined spaces create a dangerous feel. The aesthetic approach is to display how the aliens and humans structural design differ, where you can see how the aliens have placed there own structure and integrated them for there own purposes.


  1. Looking good! I like the lighting. As I said on Facebook, would be good to just pop a temporary texture on the cages and walls just to see what works with the lighting and flooring.

  2. I like the design, I think this is a good style for our barn!

  3. Wow, I can see some of the inspiration from Half Life 2. Alien Tech trying to force itself into a human built structure.
